

Like watching them take their first steps all over again


Just 10 practices of

Under 10 minutes GUARANTEED

Even if They Won't put Their Face in!

Discover the SECRET METHOD to Helping Your Child

Overcome Their Uncertainty and Learn to Love the Water NOW!

It All Starts With the Right Approach!

This PROVEN Step by Step Program reveals

How to HELP YOUR CHILD Break Free of FEAR,


BUILD CONFIDENCE in the Water, and


(Without Spending Any More TIME & MONEY on Lessons & Instructors)

Getting your kids over the hump of learning how to swim can be tough.

Traditional lessons can be

time consuming, expensive & noisy…

...if it were easy, drowning rates wouldn’t be what they are

and businesses like mine wouldn’t exist.

Plus, your preschooler would already be swimming!

If your child is:

Struggling to Move Forward in the Water

Is Having Trouble Holding a Back Float

Refuses to Put Their Face in the Water

Won’t Let You Wash Their Hair...’re probably feeling pretty frustrated that they can’t seem to get over this part.

You really need them to learn but you may be starting to wonder if

maybe you’re going about it the wrong way.

Maybe you need to be more patient with what you’re trying now, maybe you should hire a private instructor and step it up, or maybe it’s time to quit and try again when they are older.

I get it, and it's not your fault...

The truth is that the programs that exist in our communities are based on


Before we knew what we do now about early childhood development.

We didn’t know that

children learn faster when taught early life skills by adults they truly trust. 

In order for your child to try something new, something that may feel a little scary, they’ll need to be with someone they feel completely comfortable with, then and only then will they feel safe enough to explore and make mistakes, which is how we truly learn. 

Swimming is a feeling, like balance and gravity. Exploring and figuring it out with a loving parent is how we learn to walk & climb, and it’s how they’ll learn to ride a bike. 

Why should swimming be any different?

Without a trusted guide to encourage them, your child will continue to struggle to learn this life-saving life skill and you’ll continue to spend both time & money at weekly lessons for months or years to come before seeing any real progress and confidence. 

The COLD HARD TRUTH about learning to swim is that there are really only two things your child needs.

  • To be challenged by someone they truly feel safe with and loved by

  • To be able to explore and play in a safe environment

There is NO ONE in the world they TRUST MORE than you AND

there is NO ONE in the world who will keep them SAFER than you will.


Swim to Me isn’t “swimming lessons” like you took when you were a child. 

It’s a LIFETIME ACCESS, developmentally appropriate method for

transforming your child’s relationship with the water. 

From STRUGGLING to learn, to CONFIDENCE and fun in the water

in just 10 practices of under 10 minutes. 

When you join Swim to Me you'll discover:

  • The sneaky way to thinking about teaching your child so you can find joy in the process

  • The simple communication method that allows you to ditch the negotiating, coercing & bribing

  • The SINGLE MOST important factor in supervising your children around water

  • How to build your child’s confidence right from the first practice

  • The BIG SECRET to getting your child to swim far and fast without struggling

  • How to keep your child having fun practicing for hours without exhausting yourself


HUNDREDS of Families are Using SWIM TO ME

to Teach Their Children to Swim

"I believe that the children will be better swimmers than the parents with Swim to Me"

- Peter, Aria's dad

Watch Peter and Aria's Journey >>>

"We teach our children to do just about everything, why can't we teach our children to swim?"

-Evie, Sia's mom

Watch Evie and Sia's Journey >>>

"In my head I thought by the end of the break she will have swam to safety.

Day 2!! Day 2!! Thank you!"

-Liz, Mara's mom

"Since doing Swim to Me I gained the confidence to tackle some other things I want to teach my children that I didn't feel confident doing before."

-Haylee, mom of three

Listen to Haylee's thoughts on her Swim to Me experience >>>

What's waiting for you inside the Swim to Me Program

Once you become a Member you'll have access to the 3-PHASE SWIM TO ME PROGRAM.

Each phase builds onto the next to help you and your child thrive to success

The Proven Communication Method That Parents Are Using to Increase Cooperation

Plus All the Water Safety Information You Need to Teach Your Child Safely

The 3-Phase Swim to Me Program

In PHASE 1 You Will Discover...

  • How to think like a coach so you can be more effective with your child

  • The secrets to communicating with your child so you can ditch the negotiating & bribing

  • How to spot a problem before it becomes a danger-keep your child safer in the water

In PHASE 2 You will Discover...

  • How to build your child’s confidence right from the first practice

  • The secret to building both trust and skills at the same time

  • How to manage your first practice no matter what they throw at you

In PHASE 3 You will Discover...

  • The BIG SECRET to getting your child to swim far and fast without struggling

  • The sneaky game that tires them out as they practice without tiring you out at all

  • The single best way to keep them practicing without fuss after you’ve completed the program

What Will I Teach My Child?

I taught my child (and thousands of others) to swim in just 10 practices of under ten minutes and now it’s your turn…

I’ve helped hundreds of older children & adults learn to swim later on in life. These clients pay me upwards of $2500 to work with them 1:1 and it can take a long time to undo the years of fear they suffer from.

Unfortunately, traditional lessons have always taken years to produce swimmers but recently there is a lack of availability in programs worldwide, drowning rates are on the rise, and I see more 7-8 & 9 year old in my practice than ever before.

With these children needing more support than the average preschooler learning to swim, I felt compelled to offer families an affordable option NOW to get their children swimming so they never need to purchase swimming lessons later or spend their precious weekend mornings dragging children to lessons. Not to mention having to pay someone like me thousands of dollars to help them later on. 

That’s why I want to make sure to get this program into the hands of as many parents as possible so you can avoid spending your precious time and money and focus on what matters. Spending time with your children. 

So tell me…ARE YOU READY?!


Swim to Me may not be cheap but it will get you where you want to be and fast! It’s not some $80 swim session with a teenaged instructor following the same curriculum exactly for everyone or a $240 a month 1:1 instructor.

It’s a small investment into your family’s water safety that pays huge dividends for your future relationship with your child. 

Overcoming this type of challenge, learning and growing together builds a bond and a trusting relationship. Not to mention the activity that you will forever share together. 

This is exactly what Swim to Me is all about. By putting the tools in your very capable hands YOU get to be the one that shares the water with your child, YOU get to be the one to build that bond with them, YOU get to be the one they beam at with pride. 

One of my clients Peter said it best: “It’s like watching your child take their first steps all over again”.

This kind of connection with your child is priceless which makes this an easy choice…

Rather than hiring me at $2500 to come to your house and bond with your child in a few years, 

The Swim to Me program is only $650 and you get to keep the bonding experience. 

Give me TWO WEEKS and I'll change your child's relationship in the water

For questions or help with your purchase contact support

The ONLY GUARANTEED Swimming Program in North America

Kids are expensive enough as it is. Learning a life skill shouldn’t cost over and over again!

When Swim to Me works your child learns to swim in just a few lessons, if it doesn’t, we will refund you.

Plain and simple. 

I understand that if you’re like most people who come to me you’ve tried swimming lessons or at least know that for most children it can take months to learn to swim. I understand that it can be unbelievable that in just ten lessons of under ten minutes your little one can be swimming even if they won’t put their face in the water when you start. 

I KNOW that this program works, and FAST.

In fact, I’m so confident that;

If you work it and it doesn’t work then I‘ll refund you. 

…I guarantee that your child will be swimming independently in ten lessons of under ten minutes or your money back.

To qualify for your guarantee in the 90 days following your purchase you must:

  • Watched all content up to and including skill 4

  • ‘Log’ 10 practices in the group (tell us you practiced and how it went)

  • Ask for help on at least one coaching call with Selena

  • Submit at least 3 practices for review in the group

PLUS, you'll receive all these BONUSES

  • Instant Access to the Swim to ME Parent Instructors Community for feedback on your practices

  • Monthly LIVE coaching calls with Selena for questions and bonus training

  • Access to the Helping your Child Overcome Fear in the Water workshop to get you started out of the water if needed- $300 value

  • Access to all past Swim to Me coaching calls so you can learn extra tips and trick from Selena- $2000 value

  • The "Toddler Whisperer" Communication Model Cheat Sheet so you have a visual to follow- $150 value

  • Access to our Affiliate program so you can make your money back and more while helping other parents - $ priceless

Let's Recap...

When you Sign up For LIFETIME ACCESS to the Swim to Me Program You Get...

  • Instant Access to All 3 PHASES of the Swim to Me Program

  • Instant Access to the Swim to Me Parent Instructors Community to post your practices for feedback

  • Access to Monthly LIVE coaching calls with Selena for questions and bonus trainings

  • Access to the Helping your Child Overcome Fear in the Water workshop to get you started out of the water if needed- $300 value

  • Access to all past Swim to Me coaching calls so you can learn extra tips and trick from Selena- $2000 value

  • The "Toddler Whisperer" Communication Model Cheat Sheet so you have a visual to follow- $150 value

  • Access to our Affiliate program so you can make your money back and more while helping other parents - $ priceless

Now It's Time to Decide

You can't think about it forever, you have a choice to make.

You can continue what you’re doing now, spending Saturday mornings at the pool watching as someone else tries to bond with your child and possibly damaging your relationship with your child in the process.


You can join Swim to Me today and in just ten practices of under ten minutes you’ll have a little swimmer and a new bond for your modest investment.

So what’s it going to be?

If you choose to bond with your child and get them swimming quickly so you can move on to having fun in the water click the button below and Join Swim to Me now. 


Because I give a FAQ

Below is a list of the most common questions we get. If for some odd reason you don’t see your question answered please email the head of our support team Ella at and we will be happy to assist you.

My child won't listen to me shouldn't I just hire someone?

I mean sure, if you want to miss out on the amazing bonding experience you'll get out of this you can hire someone.

You can even hire me but you're seriously missing out on an opportunity to increase the trusting relationship you have with your child and delight in their growth.

It goes fast, there aren't many firsts left, this is your opportunity to have another one now, and FAST!

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My child listens better to other people, how will I ever get them to listen to me?

I know you think that and I have good and bad news. If your child listens to someone else better than you it's because they don't trust their reaction. Either they don't know how the person will react to stepping out of line and so they are being cautious or the person had shown themselves to have really strong boundaries. By the end of a session with an instructor with flexible boundaries your child will be running the show.

The bad news is that it means you have flexible boundaries with your child and they are testing you.

The good news is that my toddler whisperer communications model works in and out of the water and you can all learn how to communicate more effectively to ensure better listening and once you try it you'll never go back!

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The water is dangerous, don't I need a professional to teach them?

Sure, if you think you can’t do what a 16 year old is trained to do then hire someone. In Swim to Me I teach you everything you need to know to do this safely.

The reality of the situation is that YOU know your child best.

YOU know when to push, when to pull back, and when to lean in for a hug.

Truly though, NO ONE knows your child better than YOU and NO ONE cares about your child the way YOU do.

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This feels overwhelming to me...

If the idea of teaching your own child to swim sounds like another huge thing to add to your to do it may just be because the whole swimming lessons things is overwhelming.

You’ll have LIFETIME ACCESS to Swim to Me. How fast you get through the program is completely up to you but at only 10 minutes a practice it doesn’t take a lot of time to see results.

Inside the program we talk about the lessons as practices to relieve the pressure on everyone. That’s how we get better at everything; practice. 

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What if I need to take a break?

Swim to Me is designed to be flexible, you can pick it up and put it down as much as you need to without worrying that your child will have a big regression. It's also designed so you can do it on your own time when it feels good to practice.

Since your child already trusts you it won’t feel like starting over for either of you when you get back into the water. 

The Swim to Me program is designed to be started and stopped whenever you like or done all at once in just a couple of weeks. 

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I'm really busy, wouldn't it be faster to take them to lessons?

Swim to Me was made with busy families in mind. By the time you get them ready, get them to lessons, get them through their class which in many cases is 30-60 minutes and then changed and back home you've lost several hours.

The truth of it is that it will eat up more of your time taking them to a local class. Done it, been there, this is why I created this. 

In Swim to Me the practices are only 10 minutes so you can fit one it really quickly just about anytime. Plus, you don't have to worry about having paid for missed classes or being late.

Instead of sitting by the pool wasting your time you can spend that time bonding with your child.

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What about everything I need to learn before we can start?

The content is simple enough that you can watch while doing something else and because it's hard to find a solid block of time to ourselves as parents I've made all the videos in the program nice and short. Videos range from 3 to 20 minutes so you can get through them anytime you have a few minutes and even through a short nap.

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What makes this so different than what they teach at the local swim school?

1- Swim to Me was designed with the help of child psychologists and childhood behavioural specialists to take into account the special challenges of learning a physical body skill that can be scary.

2- Swim to Me is taught like a body skill. This means that just like you didn't tell your child to move their weight to the other foot when learning to walk you won't be telling them where to put their hands or what to do with their legs.

Like learning to balance on a bike swimming is a skill best learned through feeling it.

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My child is older than 2.5 but I don't think they are ready

Unless your child has special needs or is delayed in their milestones, by 30 months they are ready to learn to swim. If your child seems afraid of the water this is an even bigger reason to get started sooner rather than later.

Around the age of 5 children go through a developmental milestone that solidifies fears more firmly making it much harder for them to overcome. Children who carry fear into the school aged years can struggle more to overcome them and they may struggle to ever be comfortable in the water.

The Swim to Me program is designed with fearful children in mind and my toddler communication model helps build trust so your child can overcome their fears feeling supported and safe with you.

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What if I don't have a pool?

Swim to Me can be taught in any body of water deep enough for your child to jump into safely.

Many parents opt to teach their child at the community pool, on vacation in the tropics, at a friendly neighbour's, or at the lake.

We don't recommend teaching the program in the ocean.

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What if I have questions during the program?

As a Swim to Me member I want you to know “I’ve got you”. You’ve got three unique ways to get the support and feedback you need.

1- The Private (Members-Only) Facebook Group; This is your community. This is your place to ask questions, get feedback on your practice videos, and celebrate with other parents killing it in the water with their children.

2- Your LIVE Group Coaching Calls; As a Member, you’ll also received LIVE group Coaching Calls with me and the other Members. Any questions or clarifications can be directed to me LIVE on our calls! 

3- My Support Team; Any “technical” issues about your membership (login, billing, etc.) can be addressed by Ella and our support team at any time. 

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What can I expect when I enrol in Swim to Me?

Once you complete your order you’ll receive an email with your login credentialsAs soon as you login you’ll get INSTANT LIFETIME ACCESS to the course, bonuses, and Members-Only Facebook GroupSwim to Me is a digital video training portal. When you join, your purchase includes INSTANT access with lifetime updates to all the material.

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What is the guarantee/refund policy?

We offer a 90 day conditional guarantee with full money back.

I want there to be NO RISK whatsoever when you decide to enrol in Swim to Me so if you work the program and it doesn't work for you then we’ll give you your money back.

All I require is that you:

  • Watch all content up to and including skill 4‘

  • Log 10 practices in the group (tell us you practiced and how it went)

  • Ask for help on at least one coaching call with Selena

  • Submit at least 3 practices for review in the group

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I'm a swim instructor, can I use Swim to Me with my clients?

This particular version of the program is not intended for certifying instructors and is not for commercial use.

We do have a certification program underway for instructors who wish to learn the Swim to Safety method to add to their existing offered programs or to start their own businesses.

Please contact our customer support Team Lead Ella for more information at

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